(207)-632-8471 shay@19oaks.com

Your Director

As your company’s Chief Executive, you look to your Sales and Marketing Directors to help shape company goals and implement strategies to achieve those goals. However, what do you do when they need more guidance than you are able to provide? Who do you turn to for help? Read more…

Your Department

As your company grew you put your time and energy into the making and selling of your product or service. Sure you did some marketing but never really had a clear strategy, details like a style guide, or way of measuring your success. Maybe your sales department came up with some initiatives but “marketing” just never got it right. Let’s get started setting up your world-class Marketing or Sales Department. Read more…

Take a Course

So you want to improve or further develop your Sales or Marketing Department but you want to take a course and to do it yourself. Our self directed or live courses can get you there. And of course, we are there to help if you get stuck along the way. Read more…