(207)-632-8471 shay@19oaks.com

Style Guides - How You Look Matters

Developing a Consistent Brand

You may already have a style guide that is referenced by everyone in the company, but if you are like most medium-sized companies, you don’t. We will work to aggregate all of your marketing collateral and identify the essentials for your style guide, allowing everyone who creates content for your company to feel confident about what they are creating.

Let these Professionals Help You

Smashing Magazine’s “How To Design Style Guides” offers an excellent summary of what goes into a great style guide, and will give you an idea of what to expect when we build yours together.

HubSpot and Venngage teamed up on this “How To Create a Brand Style Guide” to help take you through the steps of putting together your style guide. They’ve also included free Venngage style guide templates to make documenting your style guide as simple as possible.