(207)-632-8471 shay@19oaks.com

Sale: My Favorite 4 Letter Word

Sale: My Favorite 4 Letter Word My favorite 4-letter word is “sale.” You will often hear me say, “Anyone who communicates with your buyer is a salesperson.”  Now, I understand this statement may have made your stomach lurch or your brain say, “No way, not me!” But...

How to Determine the Length of Your Sales Cycle

How to Determine the Length of Your Sales Cycle Companies spend significant time and money acquiring leads. What’s your process for converting those leads into sales? Knowing how long your sales cycle is simplifies the sales process for your...

Spring Clean Your Sales Strategy

Spring Clean Your Sales Strategy Start Your Second Quarter with Clear Expectations that Drive Sales ResultsAs we all know, the groundhog saw his shadow this year, and we experienced six more weeks of winter. Well, the six weeks are almost over, the official day of...